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jeudi 3 juillet 2014

Choice of rock excavation methods for the Swedish deep repository for spent nuclear fuel

Choice of rock excavation methods will or may have implications for a number of issues like repository layout, long term and operational safety, environmental impact, design of and operation of transport vehicles and methodology for backfilling the repository before closure as well as effects on costs and schedules. To fully analyse the issues at hand related to selection of excavation methods, SKB organized a project with the objectives:

• To investigate and compare principal technical solutions for rock excavation, both methods that are used at present but also methods that may be feasible 10 years from now.

• To assess how the selection of excavation method influences the design and operation of the deep repository.

• To present a definition of the Excavation Damaged/Disturbed Zone (EDZ) and practical methods for measurements of EDZ.

• To present advantages and disadvantages with different excavation methods for the various tunnels and underground openings as a basis for selection of preferred excavation methods.

• To present the Design Justification Statement for the selection of particular excavation methods for the different tunnels and openings in the deep repository to underpin a decision on excavation method.

• To present background data that may be required for the evaluation of the long term safety of the deep repository.

Choice of rock excavation methods for the Swedish deep repository for spent nuclear fuel  pdf

Göran Bäckblom, Conrox
Rolf Christiansson, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
Leif Lagerstedt, SwedPower AB

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