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lundi 26 juin 2017

Geometallurgical model of a copper sulphide mine for long term planning

One of the primary issues identified with mining speculation choices is the utilization of precise expectation models. Metallurgical recuperation is a noteworthy wellspring of variability, and in such manner, the Chuquicamata handling plant recuperation was demonstrated as an element of geomining-metallurgical information and mineral attributes got from a chronicled database.

Specifically, the dataset accumulated contains data identified with food grades, mineral hardness, molecule size, mineralogy, pH, and flotation reagents. A systemic methodology was connected to fit a multivariate relapse model speaking to the copper recuperation in the plant. The systemic methodology comprises of an introductory projection of the trademark pounding item measure (P80), based upon vitality utilization at the molecule size lessening step, trailed by a flotation recuperation model. The model takes into consideration a change in the speculation choice process by anticipating execution and danger.

The last geometallurgical model uses eight operational variables and is a critical change over ordinary forecast models. An acceptance was performed utilizing a late information set, and this demonstrated a high connection coefficient with a low mean outright lapse, which uncovers that the geometallurgical model has the capacity foresee, with adequate precision, the real copper recuperation in the plant.

geometallurgical modelling, multivariate regression, recovery prediction.

Full Text:

Geometallurgical model of a copper sulphide mine for long-term planning -  pdf

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